Leslie Granda-Hill: Condemned Photo Gallery Room III
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©2011 Leslie Granda-Hill. All rights reserved. All images belong to the photographer and cannot be copied or used by others without express written consent.
Condemned Gallery Room I : Condemned Gallery Room II : Condemned Gallery Room III
This gallery shows before and after photos of some of the spaces in the Essex County Penitentiary.
Scroll over the old photos to see the same spaces as they were just a few weeks ago.
Leslie Granda-Hill was fortunate enough to not only return to the Essex County Penitentiary many times, but she
also gained access to many historical photos of the penitentiary taken in 1914. She has matched up many of those
photos with the same views today, vividly portraying the decline of a once proud building.
Condemned Video Page #1-Silent : Condemned Video Page #2-With Music